
PrayerSometimes they strew His way
And His sweet praises sing;
Resounding all the day
Hosannas to their King.
Then “Crucify!” is all their breath,
And for His death they thirst and cry

Read: Psalm 105:1-9

Think about It: One of the downfalls of studying the little details of the Scriptures (as much fun as that is) is that sometimes we forget the big picture. The Bible is actually just one long story that hasn’t even been completed yet. While we have the Word of God in its entirety, the story certainly isn’t over. The Passion that we remember in detail this week is the pivot point of the entire Bible. All of the Old Testament points to the moment of Christ’s death for our sins and all of the history since that monumental day points back to it. Now we await the final act as we pray for the return of Christ to take us unto Himself for eternity.

Our Psalm for this week reminds us that God’s plan stretches across all of time. He promised to send a Messiah to Adam and Eve immediately after the first sin and renews that promise with Abraham in a Covenant that promises that God Himself will take care of the problem we  created. The writing of this psalm by David happened when the Ark of the Covenant has finally been restored to Jerusalem after years of being held by pagans who did not truly know what they had in their hands. David has danced before the Ark as it is returned to Jerusalem, for his joy could not be held inside. His delight at God’s presence was too much to keep to himself and he dances before the Lord and his subjects. In this Psalm He reminds God that there is Covenant between them, forged with Abraham. There are promises attached to this Covenant and David expects God to keep that Covenant. We celebrate the fulfillment of that Covenant this week as we remember the sacrifice of Jesus Christ who becomes the final and ultimate King of His people.

Prayer: Why, what hath my Lord done?
What makes this rage and spite?
He made the lame to run,
He gave the blind their sight.
Sweet injuries! Yet they at these
Themselves displease and ’gainst Him rise.


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