Daniel, Ezekiel, and John

Daniel 10:1-9

Today's study will be more of a challenge if you want to make it one. The first 9 verses of Daniel 10 are very similar to passages found in Ezekiel 1 and Revelation 1. From these corresponding references we find that The Son of Man (or Jesus) has been speaking to His people for a long time. And the prophets report striking similarities in what they experienced as He came to them. The reading for today takes place 3 years after the Jews have been released to return to Jerusalem. The wall is being rebuilt and a new Temple is being constructed. Neither the wall nor certainly the Temple will be even close to the Temple of Solomon that was destroyed, but it is a start. In the midst of this new vision, Daniel (who remains in Babylon, probably due to old age) sees again the Son of Man. Just for interest sake, I have included a chart from a commentary that compares the three passages for you. If you have the time, go and read them yourself. It is fascinating and to imagine what these prophets are describing is an exercise in worship.

Comparison of Daniel 10, Ezekiel 1, Revelation 1

Daniel 10:5–6: The Divine Man

Ezekiel 1:4–28 God and His Cherubim

Revelation 1:13–16: The Glorified Jesus Christ

Appearance like a man, a Son of Man (10:5, 16, 18; cf. 7:13)

God’s appearance is like a man (1:26–27)

Like a Son of Man (1:13)

Clothed in linen garments (10:5)

No reference to clothing

Clothed in long robe (1:13)

A gold belt around his waist (10:5)

Appearance of gleaming metal above God’s waist and fire below his waist (1:27)

A gold belt around his chest (1:13)

Body like jasper (10:6)

Appearance of gleaming metal and fire (1:27)

No reference to his body

Face like lightning (10:6)

Flashes of lightning from the cherubim (1:13)

Face shining like the sun (1:16)

Eyes like burning torches (10:6)

God’s presence like fire (1:4); torches flash between the cherubim (1:13); from the waist down, God appeared like fire (1:27)

Eyes like flames of fire (1:14)

Arms and feet like polished bronze (10:6)

God’s presence like glowing metal (1:4); the cherubim had feet like polished bronze (10:7); from the waist up, God appeared like glowing metal (1:27)

Feet like polished bronze refined in a furnace (1:15)

Voice like an army (10:6); compare 12:6–7, where he is “above the waters of the river”

The wings of the cherubim made the sound of many waters, like the voice of the Almighty, like battle tumult and an army camp (1:24)

Voice like many waters (1:15), that is, ocean breakers or a large waterfall

©2008 Steinmann, A. E. Daniel. Concordia Commentary (496). Saint Louis, MO: Concordia Pub. House.


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