The Promise of Future Generations

Genesis 13:1-18

Abram has gathered up his wife and left Egypt after behaving in a less than honorable way with Sarai and Pharaoh. Now he heads back into the Promised Land prepared to settle where God has called him. No sooner does he get to Canaan when he and his nephew Lot realize that the land cannot adequately support both of their very large camps. It is time to separate. Abram gives Lot first choice and Lot chooses the better looking land, heading south and east toward Sodom and Gomorrah. God's hand of protection and guidance continues over Abram.

God's voice also continues for Abram, confirming for him that he has been chosen by God for great things. Now God gives Abram some details. He will be the father of a great nation - the largest and most populated in the world. That great nation includes us - the followers of Jesus. Thirty years ago, when I used to lead children in worship, we sang a song called "Father Abraham". I kind of shudder now to even think of it. It is a true children's song, with actions and is highly repetitive. But it does give the message that all believers are descendants of Abraham. We are the fulfillment of that promise God made to this tribal ruler 4,000 years ago in what was then the Land of Canaan. We are completely connected to Abram in that conversation with God about who would come after him.

It is important that we see ourselves in the pages of Genesis. We are a part of the story which is why we need to read and study these passages. In them we find that God has always had a plan for us personally. His character continues to be revealed and we learn that His love extended out to us millennia ago. God is perfect in His love and the execution of His plan. 


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