Tell Me Our Story
Prayer: Let all together praise our God,
Before His glorious throne;
Today He opens heav’n again
To give us His own Son,
To give us His own Son.
He leaves His heav’nly Father’s throne,
Is born an infant small,
And in a manger, poor and lone,
Lies in a humble stall,
And in a manger, poor and lone,
Lies in a humble stall,
Lies in a humble stall.
Think about It: The story is not new. Many of us can repeat the words of our reading for today from memory! And that’s a problem. In our culture, we are addicted to the “new”; the next new thought, the next new show, the next new singer, the next new food. But the story of Jesus is not new. It is ancient. It began, as we discussed weeks ago, with Adam and Eve and the promise God made to them to send a Savior. His story has been told and retold a million times over the generations.
Maybe this is why we love to equate Christmas and children. For children, Christmas is new. They haven’t gotten to experience this story over and over like we have. They are excited for the lights, the ornaments, and the presents. So we love to enjoy the holiday through their eyes. It takes the “oldness” off of that old, old story. But now is the time to embrace that old story, for inside of it lies our own story.
We were there in the DNA of Adam and Eve. Their sin became our sin. Their devastating need for a Savior became our need as well. When God promised Abraham He would make of Him a mighty nation from which would spring the Savior, we were there among the stars that Abraham was encouraged to count. When the angels appeared to the shepherds on that hillside to announce the birth of Jesus, we were there to receive the “the good news of great joy that will be for ALL THE PEOPLE.” That’s us! As Christmas comes and goes again this year, remember that this entire story was for you. Every event in the life of Jesus was lived for you. Every Word spoken to His disciples was for you. His story is at the heart and center of your story. Embrace the Savior as you live out your story.
Prayer: He undertakes a great exchange,
Puts on our human frame,
And in return gives us His realm,
And in return gives us His realm,
His glory, and His name,
His glory, and His name
Your grace in lowliness revealed,
Lord Jesus, we adore
And praise to God the Father yield
And praise to God the Father yield
And Spirit evermore;
We praise You evermore.
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