Servants and Slaves
Exodus 21:1-36
The next several chapters of Exodus deal with the laws (separate
from the 10 Commandments) that God hands down to His people. We will take these
sections an entire chapter at a time. For the purposes of these devotionals
that seems to be the best way to handle these legislative admonitions from the
Lord to His people. Because the reading is slightly longer I’ve provided a
link to the passage instead of inserting it into the devotional. Don’t skip the
Bible reading. It’s the most important part.
Last week we dealt with the 10 Commandments. After hearing
those Commandments, the people asked that Moses receive the rest of God’s
instruction on his own. They were too frightened by the glory and power of God
to hear the rest or so they believed.
Exodus 20:18-20
18Now when
all the people saw the thunder and the flashes of lightning and the sound of the
trumpet and the mountain smoking, the people were afraid and trembled, and they
stood far off 19and said to Moses, “You speak to us, and we will
listen; but do not let God speak to us, lest we die.” 20Moses said
to the people, “Do not fear, for God has come to test you, that the fear of him
may be before you that you may not sin.” 21 The people stood
far off, while Moses drew near to the thick darkness where God was.
So as God continues to put forth what it means to be His
chosen people, the discourse continues with what has come to be called the
Covenant Code, a basic block of laws that guide the behavior of God’s covenant
people. Fittingly, the Covenant Code begins with a concentration on the
treatment of human beings rather than animals, plants, or other things, and
specifically with rules regulating the treatment of those human beings who
might be most easily or most often mistreated or exploited, that is,
misunderstanding of Israelite law has arisen from failure to appreciate the
analogous distinction that prevailed in ancient Israel. When the law was
properly followed, persons who were servants/slaves/workers/employees held their
positions by reason of a formal contract that related primarily to the job that
they had “signed up” to perform, for a period of time, much as one enlists in
the military today. In addition, some of the misunderstanding of biblical laws
on service/slavery arises from unconscious analogy to modern Western hemisphere
slavery, which involved the stealing of people of a different race from their
homelands, transporting them in chains to a new land, selling them to an owner
who possessed them for life without obligation to any restrictions and who
could resell them to someone else (although such did also occur in the ancient
world). Whether one translates the Hebrew as “servant,” “slave,” “employee,” or
“worker,” it is clear that the biblical law allowed for no such practices in
Israel. Indeed, the law reflects the fact that when obediently practiced by
“boss / employer / owner” and “servant / slave / employee / worker” alike,
Israelite service could be so beneficial to a worker that he or she would
choose to enlist for a lifetime with the same employer.
Stuart, D. K. (2006). Exodus (Vol. 2, p. 475).
Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers.
With the above understanding of what the English calls “slave”
we find that the passage has a much greater impact upon us in 2015. Most of us
are either someone’s employee or employer. Learning the godly way to treat each
other is never a negative thing. If you read the text closely you will find
that God expects us to treat one another with respect, dignity, and love for
the brother or sister. Should this happen, the entire culture befits. God’s way
always leads to blessing for those who would be willing to listen to His ways
and follow them. When an employee is treated well, of course they would want to
stay and work there for a lifetime.
Sometimes we can be guilty (and I speak from personal
experience here) of skimming over these parts of the Bible. There isn’t any
story in which to become engaged. But there is wisdom and that should never be
set aside. Just imagine life where these laws applied rather than the tangled
mess we find inside of our own legal system. “Hand for hand” or “eye for eye”
might truly cause people to think twice about wronging a neighbor. Personal
responsibility that is sorely lacking from our lives today might increase if we were
actually held accountable for our decisions. The unintended consequences of
personal liberty have taken a toll on all of us.
While God held His people responsible for their actions for
or against others, He also has chosen to not
hold us up to His punishment for our sins. His righteousness demands that we
pay the price for our iniquity, but His love provided Jesus to pay that price
instead. Even as God handed down all of these regulations He knew that we were
not going to be able to uphold the standards He set. So He sent Jesus to pay
the price for those defections. His plan was already in place even as He spoke
these words to Moses. For that reason, we are now willing slaves to His
mercy and grace. Instead of being slaves to our sin, we are instead His
purchased children. In the end, everything always leads back to the Gospel –
even a passage about slavery.
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