The Prayer of Suffering

Prayer: Dear Lord God. It is amazing that You have chosen to interact with us and grant to us personal loving attention. Thank You for joining me in these times of prayer and conversation. I am so honored that the God of the Universe would spend time with me. Please fill my heart and mind with thoughts inspired by Your Word and enhance my faith that I might love you more and serve others better. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.

Read: Psalm 88

Think about It: We’ve all be there; that place of deep emotional (and often times even physical) pain that simply will not go away. It is the true experience of anguish. There are numerous words we can use to describe those feelings; despair, sadness, depression, alone, abandoned, darkness, and as we discussed yesterday, even wishing for death. It’s terrible, it’s lonely, and we will do just about anything to escape the pain.

Many neglect to read the Psalms because several of them are so gut wrenchingly honest about the human condition. There is pain involved! The psalmists didn’t flinch away from that reality. They let those emotions pour without apology. And almost always they ask God, “Where are you?!? I’m in trouble here!” That is what we read in the words of Psalm 88. This writer (not David this time) has been in pain for what appears to have been a long time (“from my youth”). Perhaps he had leprosy, or some other debilitating disease. Clearly, something was wrong that caused others to shun him or stay away. So not only is he in great pain, he is alone. His despair is life encompassing. Where does he turn? He turns to God in a very honest plea for help. Verses 1 & 2 even indicates that he is shouting to the Father. (The word translated “cry”  actually means “to shout”.)

Perhaps we need to think about the word “faith” at this point. This concept can be misconstrued to mean that we just roll over apathetically and accept whatever God has for us without question or conversation. But true faith lies in relationship. We are free to wrangle with God, to wrestle with Him (remember Jacob) and let Him know how we really feel. We get to shout our frustrations to the Lord and share the true feeling that lie within; that is what real relationship looks like! Think about those people in your life toward whom you feel apathy. Are you truly in a great relationship with them? No, certainly not! But the ones you love and care about – they get the truth. They know when you are joyful just as they know when you are hurting and sad. That’s authentic humanity and that is what God want to see from us. Just as Jesus declared His pain to the  Father in the Garden, so we too can declare our sorrows to Him. He hears and He cares!

Walter Brueggemann (20th century theologian and author) writes, “Psalm 88 stands as a mark of realism of biblical faith . . .  because there are situations in which easy, cheap talk of resolution must be avoided”. (Message of the Psalms, p. 81)

Prayer: Dear Lord God, when I am troubled, please help me to immediately bring my cares and concerns to You. Help me to always realize that You want to know what is going on with me and that You do care, even if You don’t  answer my prayers the way that I think is best. I know that You always mean good and blessing for me, so help me to frame my thoughts and attitudes in that light. Because of Jesus I pray. Amen.


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