Unusual Humility and Grace

Prayer: Dear Lord, You always provide what I need! Thank You for Your Word and Your attention. Please Holy Spirit, enliven the Word in my heart today and help me hear Your message. May Your truth strengthen the faith that You have given. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Read: 1 Samuel 24:1-13

Think about It: Authority doesn’t always have to crack the whip and make its presence known. Often, true leadership is manifested in humility, sacrifice, and grace. Of course, Jesus epitomizes these characteristics. One thousand years before Jesus came in human form, David lived as a man after God’s heart, chosen by God to lead His people. Before becoming king in actuality, he suffered under the cruel and murderous King Saul who tried on numerous occasions to kill him. But David exercised those characteristics of grace and humility for our example as well.

David has been handed a golden opportunity. The life of Saul, the man who tries to kill him at every opportunity, has been handed to him. It’s almost too easy. Slide up next to man who is going to the bathroom and slit his throat. Escape would be a breeze and problem solved. No more mad man chasing him around the countryside. The crown would be David’s to claim. And even in the face of those exact actions being espoused by his men, David doesn’t do it. Instead of taking Saul’s life, he takes a small corner of his robe instead. And then something truly remarkable and telling happens. His conscience is struck because he has not acted with honor toward the man anointed as king by God. He feels genuine sorrow for taking a corner of a robe. Our instincts tell us to agree with David’s men, trying to persuade him to take advantage of a clear opportunity to kill Saul.  It would even be tempting to play the “God card”, trying to help David see that God had orchestrated this chance to end the   constant running. But David is bigger than that. He is a man of grace, humility, and honor. Instead he humbles himself and pays homage to his enemy because he will not lay hands on God’s man. This is a story of extraordinary mercy. This is a man who will make a great king.

When the voices around us are urging us toward sin, going the opposite  direction is so very difficult. But clearly, as we see in the life of David, it is  possible! But that means that the voice of God is louder and more important than all others. That takes a constant exposure to the ways of God and His will. It means reading His Word to find out how He thinks (as much as we are able to truly know that) and time in prayer, listening as much as talking, so that we know Him best. Despite the advice of his followers, David knew the right thing to do. And while he took a short trip into the wrong thing by cutting off a corner of Saul’s robe, he was sensitive to the conviction of the Holy Spirit and allowed himself to be redirected, back onto God’s path. While killing Saul would have been satisfying for the sinful reader of the story, it would have made David no better than Saul. We expect better from the future king. A life led by God will often show examples of such grace. Usually, those actions go unnoticed by others (and maybe even by you), but not by God. They speak to who He is what He has done in your life. They make us know that life is okay.

Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, You are the perfect Savior. Your humility and grace brought You to earth to rescue me from sin, death, and the power of the devil. Please help me daily, moment by moment, to rely on You and trust You for all things. In Your name I pray. Amen.


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