Get Your Head in the Game
Philippians 3:12-4:1

a sports metaphor. My favorite. Well, not so much. But it does work to make the
point. All of us know what it means to strive toward a goal. The rub comes with
the fact that in this particular goal you will not win the prize until after you
have passed from this life. But that isn’t the point. The point is the journey
itself. How are we doing at this race? Here we are challenged to some mental
focus, aligning our thinking with God’s which can be a constant and
never-finished straining forward toward that which God’s grace holds out to the
believer in Christ. Once again Paul illustrates that holy tension that is at
the core of the Christian life. We daily experience what it means to live right
now but not yet.
As long as [believers]
are in the world, they are like people who hold a title to property in a
distant land. The title makes the property theirs, but the owners are not yet
physically in possession of what rightfully belongs to them. Similarly
believers, though they are possessors of eternal life by faith and have the
righteousness of Christ, are still also sinners living in a sinful world. They
have not yet arrived at the full, physical possession of the perfection of
eternal life.
H. J. ©1986. Philippians, Colossians,
Philemon (p. 75). Milwaukee, WI: Northwestern Pub. House.
of the things about running, in a race or otherwise, is that you really don’t
want to look backwards. That’s going to end in disaster, for you will at the
very least lose time and even worse, you may trip and fall because you weren’t
looking where you were going. To look backward is to lose focus. (Don’t get me
wrong here. Looking back can instruct and inform our lives as we relive God’s
victories and learn from our mistakes. This is a different emphasis.) And focus
is the word here. When we remain fixed on Jesus and His will for our lives we
cannot go wrong. When the His victorious resurrection is our goal, we will work diligently toward
it. And here is where that already - not yet tension comes into play. We are
here at God’s design. I know what my future holds because the God’s promises
are sure. But I am here, on earth, because that is God’s will for me right now and so I
will strive while I’m here to live as He calls; I will strive to bring Him
glory even in this sin-filled world.
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